corporate video production
Corporate video production is today one of the most effective marketing solutions and a promotional resource that can impact on a global scale.
Producing or requesting the creation of high quality corporate videos is undoubtedly not easy. It should be done with the aim of impressing the customer by emphasizing the company’s core business in the first place.
The making of corporate videos confirms that platforms such as Youtube, Vimeo or Daily Motion offer individuals and companies the possibility to create a totally customizable, engaging, immediate, viral and above all free channel. This opportunity, combined with video solutions for social platforms (such as Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok or Instagram) has allowed the communication agencies to make corporate videos literally viral, increasing the productivity and the business of every company that has decided to bet on this formula.
- Reaching a large audience. With your corporate video, through the use of social media, you can reach a vast and well-targeted audience. Sharing will create engagement and this will help you reach thousands of contacts in no time.
- A customized advertisement method. Unlike the main advertising channels you have used so far, with the help of an expert, you will have an ad that can express your creativity and your real being. This will establish a direct relationship with your customers.
- Stand out from competitors. In a world where the information to absorb is too much, it is essential to find innovative solutions to have a grip on the audience. Moreover, who would read a long article when the same information could be received in faster and more direct way, while watching a nice video?
Guidelines to follow for the creation of a corporate video:
- Show your professional skills. To have customers trusting your services or buying your products, you need to prove competence. A good idea could be to make the facts speak for you, through the story of successful case histories: who is a better ambassador than satisfied customers?
- Give a lot of information. Make sure that once you have watched the video, you feel like you know everything you need to know about your company or product. Try to be exhaustive and to respond to all the possible curiosities that a customer interested in what you are presenting might have.
- Stand up for your company. In the era of social media and online friends, establishing human relationships is one of the most effective ways to convey trust to customers. Let people know who you are, the place you work, your employees … get in the game and you’ll be surprised by how many people appreciate authenticity: after all, you are your company!
- Make them remember who you are. With the help of an expert, create a funny and exciting video, far from the old and boring institutional videos, to allow the visitor to remember both your company and your product. What matters is to arouse the interest and curiosity that will push users to get in touch with your company.
To understand the importance of a corporate video, we will try to analyze all the types of video and how companies can use them.
Aggiungi qui il testo dell'intestazione
A quali attività servono i video aziendali?
- Imprese che vogliono creare o rafforzare la propria immagine e il proprio volume di affari online
- Società che partecipano a fiere ed eventi ed hanno la necessità di attirare l’attenzione dei potenziali clienti
- Attività che prima ancora del prodotto vogliono trasmettere la filosofia che c’è dietro oppure che offrono servizi immateriali difficili da spiegare senza un supporto video
- Tutte le aziende che hanno voglia di stare al passo con i tempi e non perdere i vantaggi del marketing online.
To sum it up, corporate videos seem to be really essential in your marketing strategy. They can respond to whatever your needs are, especially thanks to the different types of content that can convey: presentation of new products, storytelling, tutorials, promotions , sales proposals, etc.
Whatever the purpose, however, it is essential for your corporate video to convey a basic idea with a captivating and convincing style, simple and understandable.
To obtain the desired results it is therefore essential to contact a competent communication agency that can advise you and support you in all phases of the activity: study and analysis of the industry and of the target, style and technical proposals, design, production and post production, up to the monitoring of the obtained results (the interaction with the video, visualizations and shares number).
Relying on professionals is essential if you want an excellent product that can translate your needs into a video, impresses your audience and awaken interest in your company.