Novità dal mondo digitale


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Gimmy Giò

Gimmy Giò, a restaurant in Colle di Val d’Elsa, commissioned In Your Mind its showcase website, a website in WordPress technology with a gallery illustrating

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An editorial made for a newspaper born in 2015 from an idea by Michele Macagnino and managed by Gisella Sorice. The magazine was born and

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Macro Hard Caffè

MacroHard Caffè is a tobacconist’s bar that commissioned us its showcase website, obviously we have done a different job from many other websites. We started

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Avvocato Kiev

A website and customers who have requested changes on their previously developed website. An elegant site that needed a helping hand to grow and In

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Menchinelli assicurazioni

A showcase website with an internal blog that manages customer news. A client full of ambitions, prepared for challenges, just like us who have accepted

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Mery Moda

Here we come to a customer who has given us a lot of satisfaction. An e-commerce of clothing that led us to the study and

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Infrastrutture in Marche

Editorial for a newspaper that deals with mobility, intermobility and integrated logistics, social infrastructures, circular economy, digital infrastructures, water infrastructures. A website carefully studied in

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Roberto Galligani

Personal web site for Riccardo Galligani candidate in the Lega Nord regional elections. A personal web site that obviously tells Riccardo Galligani and his life,

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Alimentari Sandra

A website that tells of two experiences, that of a grocery store and that of a wine shop, a company website that collects various information

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Show Food System srl

Specialized in the design, construction and installation of furniture components, they commission us their showcase website consisting of several pages. The company also wanted to

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